MSA Consolidated GSA Schedule
The MSA GSA Consolidated GSA Schedule (47QRAA21D005R) offers a range of Professional Services, including Training, Technical and Engineering Services (non IT), Consulting, and Business and Project Managements Services.
Awarded Special Item Numbers (SINs):
SIN | Description | Large Category | Subcategory |
611430 | Professional and Management Development Training | Professional Services | Training |
541330ENG | Engineering Services | Professional Services | Technical and Engineering Services (Non IT) |
541420 | Engineering System Design and Integration Services | Professional Services | Technical and Engineering Services (Non IT) |
541611 | Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services | Professional Services | Business Administration Services |
Review our catalog in the GSA eLibrary here: Microsoft Word – 47QRAA21D005R_GP Strategies Price List 20210610_v2 (
Contract Details:
- Contract Number: 47QRAA21D005R
- Period of Performance: May 17, 2021 through May 16, 2026
- Who is Eligible: All Federal agencies
- Vehicle Type: GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)
- Award Type: Multiple Award
- GP Strategies Role: Prime Contractor
- Government User Fee: The Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) is 0.75%
- Task Order Types: Firm Fixed Price, Labor Hour, Time & Materials
About Our GSA Contract
Modification PO-0001 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A815 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A832 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A834 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PA-0002 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A837 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PA-A839 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A842 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A847 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PA-0003 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A853 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PA-0004 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A856 for Contract 47QRAA12D005R
Modification PS-A869 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PA-0008 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A882 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A883 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A885 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PA-0006 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PA-0012 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PA-0013 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PA-0011 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A832 for Contract 47QRAA12D005R
Modification PS-A834 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A837 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A815 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PS-A863 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Modification PA-0014 for Contract 47QRAA21D005R
Contact Us:
Risk Manager
Kristina Sakash
Contract Manager
Karen Thorpe